Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The ITYS ES series is a line of compact UPS systems, in particular, models 1000, 2000 and 3000 V·A with the technology of double direct-acting energy conversion (VFI) with sinusoidal current absorption.
ITYS ES provides constant voltage and frequency control at the UPS output. This technical solution is suitable for all applications in the field of information technology and industry and for any operating conditions, including systems with electric generators.

Series: ITYS ES.

In the field of shipbuilding and shipping, reliable equipment is required to ensure the work of consumers in harsh operating conditions. In such a highly specialized environment, power outages lead to extremely serious malfunctions of navigation equipment, communications and engine controls, which affects the increase in costs. In accordance with its commitment to develop innovative solutions to ensure uninterrupted power supply, improve energy efficiency and reduce costs, SOCOMEC UPS has launched a high-performance NETYS RT-M UPS certified in accordance with the requirements of the DNV GL standard.

Series: NETYS RT-M.


All Socomec products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Socomec: load switches, reversible switches, fuses, electronic protection, cabinets and accessories, UPS for computer networks and data centers, static, photovoltaic switching, energy storage systems
  • Measurement, energy management and analysis Socomec
    Measurement, energy management and analysis
    C-31, C-32, D-40, etc.
  • Load switches Socomec
    Load switches
  • Reversible switches Socomec
    Reversible switches
    COMO CS, SIRCO M, etc.
  • Fuses Socomec
  • Electronic protection Socomec
    Electronic protection
    RESYS M40, RESYS M40R, etc.
  • Cabinets and accessories Socomec
    Cabinets and accessories
    CADRYS Delta modular, etc.
  • UPS for computer networks and data centers Socomec
    UPS for computer networks and data centers
    NETYS PL, NETYS PE, etc.
  • UPS and Energy conversion Socomec
    UPS and Energy conversion
    MASTERYS IP+, DELPHYS MP Elite+, etc.
  • UPS for special applications Socomec
    UPS for special applications
    ITYS ES, NETYS RT-M, etc.
  • Static switching systems Socomec
    Static switching systems
  • Energy storage systems Socomec
    Energy storage systems
    STOCK 076 A, etc.

About Socomec

SOCOMEC (France) has been operating on the world market for more than 80 years and is one of the leading manufacturers of low-voltage network protection systems. At the moment, SOCOMEC is a group of industrial enterprises with production facilities in many European countries. The main task of the company is to supply high-quality, safe equipment, including three main areas: switches, control systems, protection systems and accessories for cable network installation.
  • development

    The development and production of UPS at each of the plants is certified according to ISO 9001. In combination with high-quality service and maintenance, SOCOMEC UPS guarantees trouble-free power supply of equipment.
  • production

    SOCOMEC Group of Companies is present in more than 70 countries, employs 2,700 people, 23 branches around the world and 9 factories (France, Italy, Tunisia, India, China).

    SOCOMEC products are distinguished by European manufacturing quality and high reliability, and a wide range of manufactured equipment allows you to fully equip low-voltage networks of any level of complexity.

Information Board Socomec

Learn more about our products Socomec.
  • UPS catalog and Critical power solutions from directory socomec
    UPS catalog and Critical power solutions
  • Catalog brand socomec
  • Questionnaire on site socomec


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